UK’s Widest Selection of Commercial Drones

{"sku":"Blueye_X3_Underwater_Drone","price":22400,"name":"Blueye X3 Underwater Drone","brand":"Blueye","category":"Underwater Drones"}

Blueye X3 Underwater Drone

£22,400.00 Excl. VAT
  • 0% financing available
  • Business invoicing
  • FREE delivery within 3-5 business days.

Unleash the potential of underwater exploration with the Blueye X3 Underwater Drone. This versatile drone features three guest ports for integrating external equipment, opening up endless possibilities for your underwater operations. Whether you're conducting scientific research or inspecting underwater structures, the X3's high-quality camera, powerful LED lights, and 1000 feet depth rating make it an invaluable tool. Dive into versatility with the Blueye X3.


Blueye X3 Underwater Drone

£22,400.00 Excl. VAT

The Blueye X3 Underwater Drone is a versatile tool for underwater exploration and inspection. With its three guest ports for external equipment integration, the X3 offers endless possibilities. Its high-quality camera, powerful LED lights, and depth rating of 1000 feet make it an excellent choice for professionals in various industries.

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